Looking for a fast, powerful, and intuitive framework to build web applications? This Rust book will help you kickstart your web development journey and take your Rust programming skills to the next level as you uncover the power of Rocket - a fast, flexible, and fun framework powered by Rust.
Rust Web Development with Rocket wastes no time in getting you up to speed with what Rust is and how to use it. You’ll discover what makes it so productive and reliable, eventually mastering all of the concepts you need to play with the Rocket framework while developing a wide set of web development skills. Throughout this book, you'll be able to walk through a hands-on project, covering everything that goes into making advanced web applications, and get to grips with the ins and outs of Rocket development, including error handling, Rust vectors, and wrappers. You'll also learn how to use synchronous and asynchronous programming to improve application performance and make processing user content easy.
By the end of the book, you'll have answers to all your questions about creating a web application using the Rust language and the Rocket web framework.
Master the basics of Rust, such as its syntax, packages, and tools
Get to grips with Rocket s tooling and ecosystem
Extend your Rocket applications using Rust and third-party libraries
Create a full-fledged web app with Rocket that handles user content
Write pattern-matching logic and handle Rust object lifetimes
Use APIs and async programming to make your apps secure and reliable
Test your Rocket application and deploy it to production
Containerize and scale your applications for maximum efficiency