A Beginner's Guide to Creating iPhone Apps for iOS 15 Using Swift UI

If you are looking for a course that is fun, for complete beginners, and gets straight to the point, then this is the course for you.

This course will help you learn all about developing iPhone applications and simultaneously implement all that you learn by creating five complete apps using SwiftUI 3 code and Xcode 13.

In this course, we will start with the SwiftUI basics that are required for developing an app and set up our developing environment with Xcode. Once our environment is set, we will start working on our different apps.

In this first app - People Counter - and the second app - Text Formatter, you will be learning the basics of Swift programming. In this third app, we will create an app called Emoji Dictionary, where you will learn about lists, arrays, and multi-view apps. In the fourth app, we will create a Quick ToDos app, where you will learn how to save information with CoreData. In our final app, we will create a Course Lister app where we will work with web, APIs, JSON, and images. Once we are done with the apps, we will discuss the process to submit your own apps to the App Store!

By the end of this course, you will be set to build your own app and share your app with the world through the App Store.

The complete code bundle for this course is available at https://github.com/PacktPublishing/A-Beginner-s-Guide-To-Creating-iPhon…

publication date
what you will learn

Build five complete apps
Explore Xcode, an Apple tool to develop apps
Learn SwiftUI, Apple’s new design framework
Learn the basics of Swift programming language
Gain tips for debugging when things go wrong
Learn how to submit apps to the App Store

key features
Develop iPhone apps using SwiftUI 3 code and Xcode 13 * Learn Swift programming and SwiftUI by creating five complete apps * Learn to share your app ideas through the App Store
This is a complete hands-on course with live implementations of the concepts taught in each session. In this course, we will be creating five different apps with Swift, SwiftUI, and iOS 15 from scratch.
This course is best for complete beginners who want to make an iPhone app as no prior experience is needed and one just needs to have a Mac computer and passion to develop amazing apps.
meta description
Learn to create apps and submit them to the App Store using SwiftUI 3 Code and Xcode 13 on iOS 15 from scratch
short description
This course is designed for complete beginners, where you will develop iPhone applications by building five complete apps using SwiftUI 3 code and Xcode 13. You will not only build the apps but also learn how to submit and upload apps to the App Store and share your creation with the world.
Perfect course for complete beginners - Create apps and submit them to the App Store using SwiftUI 3 Code and Xcode 13
iOS 15, iPhone, Swift 5, SwiftUI 3, Xcode 13, iPhone Apps
Product ISBN