This Advanced REST API course takes your REST API development to a whole new level by familiarizing you with more of the Flask ecosystem. We start with a simple REST API and teach you everything you need to know about it. We introduce new features and technologies by baking them into this application so you can see how a professional REST API is developed. Every new feature is added to a fully working application and tested. We also help you understand more about how to build features incrementally so you can get them to your users quickly and minimize risk.
Remember, this is our most advanced course yet! You should have adequate programming experience with Python or another programming language. Some knowledge of how the web works will also be helpful.
You should have prior knowledge of how to install Python packages and how to run your Python applications. If you've used virtualenv or Pipenv before, that's excellent! Knowledge of how to use PyCharm for debugging is also a plus, although we cover using the debugger in the course!
The codes and supporting files for this course are available at:…
Use Marshmallow for data serialization and deserialization
Send e-mails and user confirmations
Upload images, Database migrations
Easy ways to write documentation and test your API
Handle payments using Stripe
Third-party login using OAuth
Master software development, refactoring, debugging, and more!
Use the latest technologies and best practices.