Welcome to the Build a Cryptocurrency News Site with Ruby on Rails course. Cryptocurrencies are all the rage right now. Wouldn't it be cool to build a website that shows crypto news automatically? That's what we'll learn in this course!
We’ll start by installing Node.js, Sublime, Heroku Toolbelt, and more. After installation, we'll build a website (using Ruby on Rails and Bootstrap) that connects to a free third-party crypto API. We'll be able to pull news stories, crypto price data, and all kinds of cool stuff, and output them onto our website's screen automatically.
You don't need any special tools to take this course. We'll be using a free online development environment pre-loaded with Ruby on Rails or you can feel free to download Rails directly to your computer (if you know how) and follow along with that way.
After working through the course, you'll have a solid foundation on which to create Ruby on Rails websites. Moreover, after completing this course you'll be able to easily learn and connect advanced topics automatically because of the core foundation you've built. You will also have hands-on experience in creating a cryptocurrency news site.
Introduction to Ruby on Rails
Set up a virtual development environment
Pull data from third-part APIs.
Learn to use instance variables and forms with Rails.
Basic error handling