How do programming languages work under the hood? What’s the difference between compiler and interpreter? What is a virtual machine and JIT-compiler? And what about the difference between functional and imperative programming?
There are so many questions when it comes to implementing a programming language!
In this course, we will learn about compilers and AST interpreters and virtual machines. We will further explore basic expressions and variables in interpreters and learn about variables and environments. We will also explore built-in and native functions, user-defined functions, and call stack and recursive calls. Lastly, we will learn about OOP, class inheritance, and code isolation.
By the end of the course, we will implement a full AST interpreter for our programming language.
All the resource files are added to the GitHub repository at:
Build a programing language from scratch
Learn about AOT and JIT-compilers and Transpilers
Learn about Bytecode, LLVM, stack-machines
Learn about call-stack and activation records
Learn about interpreters and compilers
Learn about AST-interpreters and virtual machines
If you are interested specifically in compilers, interpreters, and source code transformation tools, then this class is also for you.
The only prerequisite for this class is basic data structures and algorithms: trees, lists, traversal.