A great job is key to living a happy life; however, the problem is, you know how competitive the job market is and you weren't taught to job hunt even though it is an essential skill. Don’t worry! This course will take you through strategy, résumé/CV writing, LinkedIn profile SEO, coding interview preparation, professional networking, salary negotiation, dealing with HR and recruiters, and much more. This course will not only guide you in gaining control of your career, but it’ll also help you act with confidence and purpose so that you don't waste your valuable time and can earn more than you previously thought possible. Careers in Programming can make all this happen within a few weeks.
All the code and supporting files for this course are available at https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Careers-in-Programming-How-to-Get-a-…-
Ace whiteboard coding interviews by understanding what technical interviewers look for and how to prepare and approach the day of the interview
Prepare a keyword-rich, targeted résumé that gets outstanding results
Align your strategy with how you present yourself on your résumé, LinkedIn profile, and cover letter to get interviews for the jobs you want
Get insights into how recruiters, talent sources, and HR managers use LinkedIn, GitHub, and other social platforms
Successfully manage demands for years of experience and degree requirements in job descriptions
Leverage your education from online platforms such as Udemy, coding bootcamps, and other alternative sources of technical education in your job searches
Master how you communicate with engineering managers, human resource managers, and recruiters
Negotiate your benefits, equity, and salary so that you get paid what you re worth
Build relevant professional networks as a foundation for future advancement
Set the stage for a rewarding career filled with success and contentment