Chatbots Development with Amazon Lex

Amazon Lex, a fully-controlled AI service, has sophisticated natural language models to create, develop, test, and deploy chatbots (conversational interfaces) in applications. Amazon Web Service (AWS) provides AWS Lambda, a serverless computing service without provisioning or managing servers.

The course begins with an exhaustive overview of the fundamentals of AWS for chatbots, training chatbot development with deep learning.

Afterward, we will delve into the characteristics of AWS and its notable functionalities. Following this, we will embark on constructing a chatbot for hotel booking utilizing Amazon Lex. Subsequently, we will acquire the skills to establish an AWS Lambda function and establish its connection with Amazon Lex. Then, we will cover the concepts of chatbot backend development for AWS Lex and AWS Lambda. We will further advance to integrate the chatbot with Twilio and learn to use the AWS Software Development Kit. Website integration of AWS Lex chatbot and implementing response cards with chatbots is the final concept that we will explore in the course.

Upon completing this course, you will relate concepts and theories for chatbots in various domains, gain extensive understanding, and learn to implement AWS Lex and AWS Lambda for building real-world chatbots. You will independently build customized chatbots with AWS Lex and AWS Lambda and integrate your chatbots with WhatsApp, messaging apps, and websites.

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what you will learn

Learn the fundamentals of Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Gain hands-on chatbot development with Amazon Lex and Amazon Lambda
Explore web-based Amazon Web Services chatbot development
Run code on AWS Lambda without provisioning or managing servers
Learn practical usage of Twilio and its integration with AWS for chatbots
Explore the functionality of Amazon Lex for chatbot development

key features
Learn AWS Lex and Lambda basics and applications of chatbots and build them with hands-on practice * Develop chatbots with AWS Lex and AWS Lambda and test and implement chatbots in real-world apps * Learn essential chatbot integration with Twilio and Boto-3, and integrate websites with the chatbots
The course is created as online tutorials that promote learning by doing. You get comprehensive knowledge via building and testing the implementation of projects in real-world applications. Simple, jargon-free explanations ensure that you understand the concepts clearly. The course provides a sound understanding of the basics before proceeding to more complex concepts.
This course is tailored for individuals interested in AWS and applying AWS Lex and AWS Lambda for chatbot development. This course will benefit individuals interested in building customized chatbots for their applications—AI practitioners, chatbot developers, research scholars, data scientists, and so on.
meta description
This beginner’s course for chatbots teaches the basics of chatbots with AWS Lex and AWS Lambda. You will gain hands-on experience building functional chatbots and explore the concepts of building and testing chatbots with AWS
short description
Do you want to build a simple, reliable, and error-free chatbot for your business? If yes, then this is the course for you! Learn to build a chatbot with Amazon Lex, a fully-controlled AI service with sophisticated natural language models to create, develop, test, and deploy chatbots (conversational interfaces) in applications.
Develop from scratch an Amazon Lex chatbot with WhatsApp and website integration
AWS Lex, AWS Lambda, chatbot development, machine-learning-based chatbot, deep learning-based chatbots, Twilio, Boto
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