CSS for Everybody: From Beginner to Boss

In the first section of the course, we’ll learn about CSS syntax, how to style certain HTML elements using CSS selectors, changing the text on our page, using different colors, changing default link styling, adding background images, working with borders, changing heights and widths of elements, changing spacing with margins and paddings, and making parts of your page see-through.

In the second section, we’ll apply everything we learned in CSS 101 and get our hands dirty with more advanced CSS. This includes understanding the display property, the box model, outlines versus borders, specific element positioning, advanced CSS selectors, pseudo selectors and pseudo-elements, transitions, animations, flexbox, and CSS grid.

In the final section, we’ll learn about responsive web design. This is how we make websites look great on all devices, including phones, tablets, laptops, desktops, TVs, and more.

We’ll also dive right into media queries and what mobile-first means and why it’s important. Then we’ll make images and video embeds responsive. And we’ll finish the course with a final project where you make a flexbox (or CSS grid) page layout and then transform it into a responsive website so that it looks amazing on smaller devices, such as a phone.

The code bundle for this course is available at https://github.com/PacktPublishing/CSS-for-Everybody-From-Beginner-to-B…

publication date
what you will learn

Build modern-looking websites using CSS
Learn about display properties and CSS selectors
Position specific elements optimally using CSS grids and flexbox
Learn to create animations and smooth transitions
Build responsive web pages
Explain the concept of media queries

key features
Learn CSS from the basics to build aesthetically pleasing web pages * Learn advanced features in CSS such as animations and transitions * Build responsive web pages that look amazing on any device
This course is a step-by-step thorough guide to CSS. Every section of the course ends with a project that will help you implement the skills gained in the section.
This course is ideal for junior web developers who are looking to create beautiful-looking responsive websites. Knowledge of HTML is required for this course.
meta description
Make websites that look beautiful and work on any device types
short description
Code along with the course to create responsive, mobile-first websites that look stunning using CSS. Test the skills you’ve learned in the course by attempting the projects at the end of every section.
Learn CSS from the ground up and become an expert
CSS, grid, selectors, flexbox, web, webpage, animation, transition, HTML, developer, text, style, images
Product ISBN