If you want to get up to speed with S3 and understand how to implement solutions with it, this course is for you. S3 is the Simple Storage Service from AWS and offers a variety of features you can use in your applications and in your daily life. You can also use S3 to host your memories, documents, important files, videos, and even your own website.
This course begins with a demonstration of what you will need to install and configure on your PC in order to use S3. There are two areas for Windows and macOS users to look over. These sections are identical and concentrate on how to set up your PC to interact with S3. You will also learn how to install Python and Boto3, as well as how to set up your Python and Boto3 environments. As you proceed, you will master creating your own AWS account step by step, and you will be ready to use AWS in no time. After you have prepared the setup to use AWS with Python and Boto3, you can start building your own AWS solutions.
Later in the course, you will be guided through the process of setting up your S3 static website hosting from the ground up. Furthermore, you will be able to create a simple website and configure it as a website inside your bucket. You will go to Route 53 to configure your domain name or DNS to route traffic to your S3-hosted website from your own custom domain after your website is up and running and accessible via a URL.
By the end of this course, you will be able to upload multi-part files, host a static website, use Route53 to route traffic to your S3 website, and much more!
All code and supporting files for this course are available at https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Developing-with-S3-AWS-with-Python-a…
Understand how to host your own website with S3
Upload a file of any size to S3 by implementing multi-part upload
Learn how to create buckets, upload files, and apply lifecycle policies
Implement any type of infrastructure using S3 on AWS with Python
Get to grips with coding against the AWS API using Python and Boto3
Work with AWS APIs using Python for any AWS resource on S3
Beginners who want to host static websites using S3 are also welcome. Master multi-part uploads with S3 integration. On AWS, use Infrastructure-as-a-Code, or IaaS. Use Python to build infrastructure on AWS or learn the AWS Python API or Boto3.
In this course, you will learn the ins and outs of S3 and how to implement solutions with S3.