Learn about the DevOps tools involved at each stage of the DevOps lifecycle, right from continuous development, continuous integration, continuous deployment, and continuous testing to continuous monitoring in a process-centric workflow. Explore the various DevOps tools. Setting up a complete CI/CD pipeline using various DevOps tools requires a good amount of diverse knowledge and understanding of a logical workflow of a DevOps project; this course comes bundled with all the answers in process-driven labs/activities.
In this course, we will create a complete CI/CD pipeline to run a java application. You will learn to create a simple DevOps project using Git as the local version control system, GitHub as the distributor version control system, Jenkins as the continuous integration tool, Maven as a build tool, SonarQube as a code analysis tool, JFrog Artifactory as an artifact repository, Ansible as configuration management and deployment tool, Docker for containerization, Kubernetes as a container management tool, Prometheus as a monitoring and alerting tool, and Grafana as an interactive visualization web application—and all this environment is set up on AWS.
By the end of this course, you will have learned the industry’s favorite DevOps tools stack. You will also be able to set up production-ready DevOps CI/CD pipelines.
All the resource files are added to the GitHub repository at: https://github.com/PacktPublishing/DevOps-Complete-Course-
Install all the tools required and get an overview about them
Learn how to use Git and GitHub to manage a DevOps engineer’s job
Set up Kubernetes on AWS cloud and use Docker for containerization
Deploy the code onto the production environment
Learn to use Jenkins, Maven, and Ansible in the DevOps workflow
Integrate various DevOps tools to reach the end goals
You need the DevOps setup configured on AWS, create your own AWS account, and possess some basic knowledge of Linux. This is not a certification course and teaching programming skills is included.
This course has been created from the perspective of a DevOps engineer who doesn’t typically write application code.