This course starts with the use of the EJS library to create dynamic views for your web applications and explains how to work with template variables and control structures. You will gain a deep understanding of how to work with JavaScript, Node.js, and Express.js to create efficient, scalable web applications. See how to define routes, handle requests, and respond to requests using the Express Framework. Moving ahead, you will use Passport.js to implement authentication and authorization for your web applications. Work with popular strategies such as Google, Facebook, and Auth0 to provide your users with a secure and convenient way to sign in and sign up. You will design and implement a SQL database for your web applications.
In this course, you will learn best practices for working with the Express Framework and gain a solid understanding of how to work with Passport.js to build robust, secure authentication and authorization systems. You will also gain knowledge of different routing methods, RESTful routes, and how to handle form data and file uploads. Finally, you will learn how to use middleware for logging, body parsing, error handling, and more.
By the end of this course, you will have all the skills you need to build dynamic web applications using Express Framework and SQL and get a good understanding of how to secure and authenticate your application.
All the resource files are added to the GitHub repository at:…
Use the EJS library to create dynamic views for web applications
Work with JavaScript, Node, and Express to create efficient, scalable web apps
Implement authentication and authorization for web applications using Passport
Design and implement a robust and efficient SQL database for web apps
Build Facebook, Google, and Auth0 local strategies with Passport.js
Learn routing methods, RESTful routes, handling form data, and file uploads
* Work with popular strategies for authentication and authorization, such as Google, Facebook, and Auth0
* Learn the trending tech skills you need to start working as a junior or mid-level developer
No prior programming experience is required, but some familiarity with JavaScript and web development is recommended.