Welcome to hands-on Keras for machine learning engineers. This is a carefully structured course to guide you in your journey to learn deep learning in Python with Keras. Discover the Keras Python library for deep learning and learn the process of developing and evaluating deep learning models using it.
There are two top numerical platforms for developing deep learning models; they are Theano, developed by the University of Montreal, and TensorFlow developed at Google. Both were developed for use in Python and both can be leveraged by the super-simple-to-use Keras library. Keras wraps the numerical computing complexity of Theano and TensorFlow, providing a concise API that we will use to develop our own neural network and deep learning models. Keras has become the gold standard in the applied space for rapid prototyping deep learning models.
This course is a hands-on guide. It is a playbook and a workbook intended for you to learn by doing and then apply your new understanding to your own deep learning Keras models.
All resources and code files for this course are placed here: https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Hands-On-Keras-for-Machine-Learning-…
Develop and evaluate neural network models end-to-end
Build larger models for image and text data
Understand the anatomy of a Keras model
Evaluate the performance of a deep learning Keras model
Build end-to-end regression and classification models in Keras
Learn how to use checkpointing to save the best model run