Ethical hackers, also called ‘white hats’, are computer security experts who have the skills to gain unauthorized access to a computer or data. In this course, you will go from a computer beginner to a proficient ethical hacker, ready to start a career in cybersecurity.
You’ll begin the course by learning the fundamentals of ethical hacking and the different types of hackers. You’ll learn how to gain access and connect to networks using client-side/server-side attacks. You’ll also hack into websites and web applications using Kali Linux.
By the end of this course, you’ll be ready to begin a career in cybersecurity as an ethical hacker.
The code bundle for this course is available at…
Identify the different types of hackers and the terminology used
Set up your hacking lab
Use tactics to remain anonymous on the Internet
Set up your Wi-Fi hacking system
Gather information using reconnaissance techniques
Hack into websites, web applications, and mobile phones
Build yourself as a successful ethical hacker