Maven is the build automation tool that can be used in applications developed by software languages such as Java, C#, Scala, and other languages. There are lots of DevOps tools such as GitHub, SVN, Maven, Jenkins, Chef, Puppet, Nagios, Splunk, Selenium, and so on. It helps DevOps in providing automation around the build phase of the DevOps life cycle management.
This course helps you to understand how a developer uses Maven and SonarQube for DevOps professionals. You will be creating a maven project on Eclipse, then look at the activities of a DevOps Engineer on Maven. After that, you will create a project using the Maven archetype, and learn Maven coordinates, Maven goals, and Maven repositories. Next, you will learn about pom.xml, commit code from the developer system to GitHub, build projects on Maven, and understand Maven in DevOps workflow.
Finally, you will set up and Integrate Maven with Jenkins along with SonarQube with Jenkins.
By the end of this course, you will be able to learn how to use Maven and SonarQube for code build and code quality analysis from a DevOps engineer's point of view.
All the resource files are uploaded to the GitHub repository at
Create a Maven project on Eclipse
Create a project using the Maven archetype
Commit code from developer system to GitHub
Understand Maven repositories and build projects on Maven
Set up and integrate Maven with Jenkins
Set up and integrate SonarQube with Jenkins
The course is a quick and useful guide to start with Maven and SonarQube and you will get an opportunity to work on the hands-on labs.
To gain the most out of this course, you should have basic knowledge of Linux, Git, and AWS EC2.