Pentesting Fundamentals for Beginners

Ethical hacking fundamentals do not change from one exam to the next. One can expect to see questions about Nmap, what commands were used to generate a specific output, and which tool would you use, regardless of the exam vendor. An individual is expected to know what pentesting framework would be used to meet a specific condition and what information should be delivered in an executive summary. You should know how to scope an assessment and identify what document is used for what purpose and the OWASP Top 10 and identify the hacking methodology used to exploit each one. These are just a few fundamentals that remain constant from one ethical hacking exam.

This course provides you with the fundamental knowledge every ethical hacker is expected to know. Throughout this course, you will learn about cybersecurity tools, reverse shells, scripting basics, identifying output, and what commands were used to generate the output.

This course will help you identify security tools and ethical hacking techniques, exploit web application vulnerabilities, appropriate documentation for starting and finalizing a pentest, correct reporting procedures, and appropriately exploit for a given vulnerability.

By the end of this course, you will have learned the fundamentals of pentesting, and renewed your confidence, and recharged your cyber security career with ease.

All the resource files are added to the GitHub repository at:

publication date
what you will learn

Identify security tools and ethical hacking techniques
Identify and exploit web application vulnerabilities
Identify the appropriate documentation for starting and finalizing a pentest
Understand the correct reporting procedures
Analyze threats and vulnerabilities within the context of ethical hacking
Identify the appropriate exploit for a given vulnerability

key features
Learn the fundamentals of ethical hacking from scratch with the help of practical examples * The course comes bundled with all the requisite materials to reinforce learning * Identify the appropriate pentesting framework for meeting the needs of a specific client
This is a highly practical and beginner-friendly course on learning the fundamentals of pentesting and cybersecurity. This course is strictly hands-on with applied learning and the author, while discussing pentesting documentation and frameworks, provides PowerPoint slides in the resources section. This course is designed to teach you many of the skills expected of an ethical hacker when starting out or sitting their first cybersecurity exam.
This course is for the individuals wanting to begin work as an ethical hacker or pentester, and who want to become a Pentest+, Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+), OSCP, or CeH certified. Anyone who requires a refresher on ethical hacking fundamentals, preparing for entry-level to mid-level cybersecurity exams, and is interested in learning the fundamentals of cybersecurity will gain a lot from this course.

You will need a PC or laptop, a stable internet connection, hardware capable of virtualization, and a strong willingness to learn!
meta description
Learn the fundamentals of cybersecurity using hands-on applied learning materials
short description
The knowledge pool for ethical hackers is only so deep. The materials within this course focus on the Knowledge Skills and Abilities (KSAs) identified within the specialty areas of most exam providers.

This course does not provide you with any specific answers to a specific exam but a reference guide for entry-level to mid-level cybersecurity exams.
Build a practical foundation of pentesting fundamentals using hands-on, practical, applied learning
Pentesting, Cybersecurity, security, web security, ethical hacking, hackers, CySA+, OSCP, CeH, vulnerabilities, threat, Network security professionals, Cybersecurity professionals, pentesters, Virtual Box, Kali Linux, Windows 10, Metasploitable3
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