R programming is a skill you'll need if you want to work as a data analyst or a data scientist in your industry of choice. And why wouldn't you, data scientist is the hottest ranked profession in the US. But to do that, you need the tools and the skillset to handle data. R is one of the top languages to get you where you want to be. Combine that with statistical know-how, and you will be well on your way to your dream job. This course packs all of this, and more, in one easy-to-handle bundle, and it's the perfect start to your journey. So, welcome to R Programming for Statistics and Data Science, the course that will get you from a complete beginner in programming with R to a professional who can complete data manipulation on demand. It gives you the complete skillset to tackle any new data science project with confidence and critically assess your and other people's work.
Practicability is the key to this course. Using R, you have a wide variety of options where you can take the code provided within this course and expand on it in any number of directions. You’ll reinforce your learning through numerous practical exercises.
All resources and code files are placed here: https://github.com/packtpublishing/programming-for-statistics-and-data-…
Learn the fundamentals of programming in R
Work with R s conditional statements, functions, and loops
Learn to build your own functions in R
Learn how to manipulate data with the Tidyverse ecosystem of packages
Learn how to systematically explore data in R
Learn the fundamentals of statistics and apply them in practice