Over 300 of the biggest companies in the world reportedly use Rust in their tech stacks, including Dropbox, Sentry, and Brilliant. Rust is mostly used if you are looking for work in project types such as web development, systems programming, and CLI tools.
In this course, you will build multiple complex programs from scratch for your portfolio! In these projects, you will learn how to think and properly develop your ideas into written code, including how to maximize your time. You will master the Rust fundamentals: variables, if/else, operators, Boolean logic, String Object, functions, arrays, modifiers, macros, loops, strings, vectors, object handling, concurrency, memory allocation, stack versus the heap, and more.
You will understand Rust from the beginning: public and private visibility, struct and enums, special macros and variables, functions, HashMaps, and more. Additionally, you will also see how Rust works behind the scenes: memory safety and data races, events and error handling, scoping, threading, and more.
Next, we will deep dive into functions, methods, closures, recursion, main function, and more. Finally, you will deep dive into object-oriented programming: Structs and Enum building from scratch, GenericTypes, and traits for libraries and modules.
By the end of the course, you will have the knowledge and confidence that you need to ace your Rust job interviews and become a developer for programming in Rust.
All the resource files are added to the GitHub repository at: https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Rust-Programming-2023---A-Comprehens…
Get introduced to basic concepts, issues, and use cases of Rust
Learn how Rust and safe memory really works under the hood
See public and private visibility, and struct and enums in Rust
Look at the functions, methods, closures, and recursion in Rust
Study variables, if/else, operators, Boolean logic, and functions in Rust
Study arrays, modifiers, macros, loops, strings, and vectors in Rust
No programming is needed to get started. You will learn everything from the ground up.