EVE Online: ISK Strategy Guide

New Eden, a universe of beauty, destruction and unlimited potential. Take on the role of a capsuleer and forge a story and empire that spans vast regions of space that is uniquely your own. But in order to forge your story and empire, it takes ISK and lots of it.
The ISK Making Guide to EVE Online teaches you the inner workings of each ISK making career choice. Learn the tricks of the pros and avoid the hidden pitfalls that await you at every turn. Learn from the experience of a seasoned EVE veteran.
Starting with the more easily accessible career choices and moving on to the careers only available to the experienced capsuleers, this book takes you step-by-step as your story unfolds. Help determine the path of EVE by taking on careers like Mining and Manufacturing, the backbone of New Eden or help your empire rise above the rest by Running Missions for the corporations of your empire. The ISK Making Guide to EVE Online gives you a jump start and walks you through every ISK making career choice.

publication date
what you will learn

Understand the workings of the EVE economy and EVE as a whole

Progress through the career of a miner and provide the raw materials for the industry of EVE

Where to find and pick agents for mission running to increase standing and to receive really cool rewards

Grow a manufacturing empire from producing basic ammo and modules to the most advanced ships in EVE

Fight the Sansha pirates that threaten New Eden while earning ISK and other rare rewards

Take hold of every little advantage and turn it into huge profits on the markets of EVE

Find friends, form corporations and forge alliances

no of pages
key features
Immerse yourself in the EVE Universe and amass untold wealth * * Get a jump start in the EVE economy and be immediately competitive in any ISK making career * * Filled with screenshots and tables that walk you step-by-step through your career from start to finish.
A game strategy guide that focuses solely on maximising your in game earning.
Whether you are new pilot plugging into your first capsule or have years of experience in EVE, this book is for you. No prior knowledge of EVE Online required.
EVE Online, MMO strategy guide
Product ISBN