IBM Cognos Business Intelligence 10.1 Dashboarding Cookbook

IBM Cognos 10 BI is the leader in the Gartner quadrant in terms of BI capabilities. There have been new features introduced with IBM Cognos 10 BI in terms of dashboards and BI. The book intends to highlight the latest and advanced dashboarding features introduced with IBM Cognos 10 BI. The book covers Business Insight and Business Insight Advanced in a comprehensive manner. It also covers best practices in terms of creating and distributing dashboards using IBM Cognos 10 BI, without which no BI solution would look presentable, usable and efficient. The book covers the new IBM Cognos 10 dashboarding capabilities in detail and a comprehensive manner. There whole content is divided in to step-by-step recipes, each of which covers a specific link in the whole chain of understanding and learning.Recipes are augmented with real steps and screenshots which nullify chances of error or misjudgement.These along with explanation, tips and information will help users to completely follow recipes and have a clear and concise understanding and will eventually enable them to use these in their own areas of interest.

publication date
what you will learn

Introducing IBM Cognos Business Insight

Introducing IBM Cognos Business Insight Advanced

Exploring and interacting with IBM Cognos Business Insight

Exploring and interacting with IBM Cognos Business Insight Advanced

Creating dashboards in IBM Cognos Business Insight and IBM Cognos Business Insight Advanced.

Sharing and Collaborating Dashboards.

no of pages
key features
Exploring and interacting with IBM Cognos Business Insight and Business Insight Advanced * * Creating dashboards in IBM Cognos Business Insight and Business Insight Advanced * * Sharing and Collaborating on Dashboards using portlets * * Best practices related to Dashboards in Cognos 10.1
This book is written in the style of a cookbook, with emphasis on practical, step-by-step recipes augmented with real screenshots and little to no theory. This approach will help you follow each step, each link, and see the bigger picture.
If you are a user with basic knowledge of Cognos BI (any version) and want to learn the advanced and latest dashboarding capabilities shipped with IBM Cognos BI, this book is for you.
meta description
Working with dashboards in IBM Cognos BI 10.1: Design, distribute, and collaborate with this book and ebook.
Working with dashboards in IBM Cognos BI 10.1: Design, distribute, and collaborate with this book and ebook.
IBM Cognos 10 BI Dashboards, IBM Cognos Business Insight, IBM Cognos Business Insight Advanced
Product ISBN