Looking to build and deploy microservices but not sure where to start? Check out Microservices with Spring Boot 3 and Spring Cloud, Third Edition.
With a practical approach, you'll begin with simple microservices and progress to complex distributed applications. Learn essential functionality and deploy microservices using Kubernetes and Istio.
This book covers Java 17, Spring Boot 3, and Spring Cloud 2022. Java EE packages are replaced with the latest Jakarta EE packages. Code examples are updated and deprecated APIs have been replaced, providing the most up to date information. Gain knowledge of Spring's AOT module, observability, distributed tracing, and Helm 3 for Kubernetes packaging.
Start with Docker Compose to run microservices with databases and messaging services. Progress to deploying microservices on Kubernetes with Istio. Explore persistence, resilience, reactive microservices, and API documentation with OpenAPI. Learn service discovery with Netflix Eureka, edge servers with Spring Cloud Gateway, and monitoring with Prometheus, Grafana, and the EFK stack.
By the end, you'll build scalable microservices using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.
Build reactive microservices using Spring Boot
Develop resilient and scalable microservices using Spring Cloud
Use OAuth 2.1/OIDC and Spring Security to protect public APIs
Implement Docker to bridge the gap between development, testing, and production
Deploy and manage microservices with Kubernetes
Apply Istio for improved security, observability, and traffic management
Write and run automated microservice tests with JUnit, test containers, Gradle, and bash
Use Spring AOT and GraalVM to native compile the microservices
Use Micrometer Tracing for distributed tracing